Herb Focus: Feverfew

An ancient herb that precedes antibiotics

An ancient herb that precedes antibiotics


An ancient herb that precedes painkillers and antibiotics, which people relied upon for their aches and pains.

Although the extent of feverfew’s curative abilities is up for debate, recent research has discovered the leaves to contain parthenolide, an anti-inflammatory chemical helpful in treating migraines.

Believed to reduce fevers

Believed to reduce fevers

Eating its leaves raw is not recommended, but leaves and flowers of this perennial herb can be dried and made into a tea: Add mint and honey to perk it up a bit.

A little goes a long way...

A little goes a long way…

Feverfew can withstand full sun and partial shade, and if you’re growing it in a pot, add extra water and some shade to help it thrive.

Just be mindful that certain insects like bees are not fond of this herb’s pungent scent and will avoid it.  So find a nice spot for it away from your vegetable plants.

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