Carlton Bears Community Garden is located on Carlton Ave, between Greene and Fulton.
To contact us: please see the contact info on the “Get Involved” page.

Summertime at Carlton Bears

Even outside the gates is beautiful!

20 thoughts on “CARLTON

  1. Good evening,
    I would like to become a member of the garden, what are the steps to follow?
    Thank you for any information and help.
    Valeria Azpiroz

  2. Hi, I’m looking to join a local community garden. I live in the Fort Greene community. Can someone let me know where these gardens are and how I might join? Thank you!

  3. We walk by the “garden” all of the time. The pictures on this page do not resemble the reality at all. The area is not at all maintained and not user friendly.

    • As we are all volunteers and give our time and energies without material recompense, we try to do the best we can. We hope that you will become a volunteer and be a part of the work that goes into making a public green space viable for the community.

  4. Hello…
    I just moved to Clinton Hill and would like to volunteer/perhaps get a plot in one of the Bear’s gardens – is there space? If not, can I volunteer?

  5. Hi,
    I am a member of a NYRP garden. I so want to grow lovage in our herbal box. I tasted it a few years ago. If you could let me know if and when you have any seeds or starter plants. Thank you.

  6. I am also interested in getting involved with the Carlton garden. Please let me know how to do so!

  7. Hi, I was interested in gardening one of the plots at the Carlton garden. how does one sign up to do this?


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